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Self-locking stainless steel cable holders for mines 70 €

Self-locking stainless steel cable holders for mines

Created: 9 July
Self-locking stainless steel cable holders manufactured by CARBOMECH Sp. z o.o\nHolders for mounting on brackets, the hook is screwed to the bracket, both elements of the Holder are connected with a steel cable.\nSelf-locking cable holders made of stainless steel: 3-201.L ÷ 3-212.L manufactured by CARBOMECH Sp. z o.o\nThe holders are attached directly to the brickwork in the shaft, both elements of the holder are connected by a steel cable.\nFor all cable options, the dimensions of the part, i.e. the fixed jaw and the movable jaw are the same.\nHolder type:\n3-201 for cables with an outer diameter of 10÷13 mm\n3-202 for cables with an outer diameter of 14÷17 mm\n3-203 for cables with an outer diameter of 18÷21 mm \n3-204 for cables with an outer diameter of 22÷27 mm\n3-205 for cables with an outer diameter of 28÷33 mm\n3-206 for cables with an outer diameter of 34÷39 mm\n3-207 for cables with an outer diameter of 40÷ 47 mm\n3-208 for cables with an outer diameter of 48÷55 mm\n3-209 for cables with an outer diameter of 56÷63 mm\n3-210 for cables with an outer diameter of 64÷73 mm\n3-211 for cables with an outer diameter 74÷83 mm\n3-212 for cables with an outer diameter of 84÷94 mm\nEmail:\nTel./WhatsApp: +(48)733-275-085
Created: 9 July
Святослав Макеев Тел.48-733-275-085
Was online 7 october 07:20
70 € Negotiable
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Святослав Макеев Тел.48-733-275-085
Was online 7 october 07:20
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