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A set of equipment for suspending and moving cargo along a monorail track 244 000 €

A set of equipment for suspending and moving cargo along a monorail track

Created: 9 July
A set of equipment for suspending and moving cargo along a monorail track of the CARBOMECH LTD trademark: designed for transporting equipment and cargo along mine monorail roads with a profile\n\nI 155, I 140E, I 140V.\nThe traction force for moving the transported cargo should not exceed 60 kN/ 110 kN\nThe set of equipment for hanging and moving cargo along a monorail track is a combination of individual components with each other.\nExplosion protection marking: 1 Mb c.\n1.Equipment adapted for traction force 60 kN\n1.1.1. Characteristics of a monorail track:\n- load-bearing capacity of the rail joint in the direction of suspension, kN ........................40\n- load-bearing capacity of the joint along the track, kN ..................................................... .......60\n- size of the bottom rail height, mm................................. ...................................40\n- maximum inclination of the rail on the track horizontally/vertically, degrees .....2/6\n- maximum slope of the route, degrees.................................... ........................27\nContact us, we speak Russian.\nTel./WhatsApp: +(48 )733-275-085\
Created: 9 July
Святослав Макеев Тел.48-733-275-085
Was online 7 october 07:20
244 000 € Negotiable
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Святослав Макеев Тел.48-733-275-085
Was online 7 october 07:20
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