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Listing removed from published 10 May


Created: 11 March
Breed of dog: Select 
Mikoušek is a 10-year-old little yorkshire terrier, whose mistress died, a relative was (not) taking care of him temporarily, but that definitely did not benefit Miky. He is a wonderful, kind, submissive, kind and calm dog, he weighs less than 5 kilos, but he is losing weight nicely. When he arrived he could hardly walk as he was obese and bloated, and he has had bad ankles for years, so the weight loss is doing him good and his condition and mobility are improving day by day. Again, he enjoys his walks, which he likes to go on, he is enthusiastic and very grateful for people's love, he happily and faithfully surrenders to the feeling that he belongs to a human family that loves and cares for him. He likes to be cuddled and cuddled, to be scratched and handles all manipulation without any problems. He is a lovable ball, he is cheerful again, welcomes, shows joy, changes before our eyes, blossoms into a happy and cute dog. At home he is very nice, without problems, he doesn't mind dogs, cats, or good, reasonable children, outdoors he likes to greet and get to know dogs of a similar size, he respects and avoids larger ones. We are looking for a loving, kind family for him, where he will be surrounded by love and care, where he will enjoy a happy old age and gentle treatment. Unfortunately, Mikoušek has health problems that were not solved in the previous family for a long time, we are slowly getting him back in shape, but given that he will need further veterinary care, we would like to provide Miky's new owners with lifelong care at the Ivet clinic in Prague for free. On the one hand, Miky has problems with his knees, due to an unresolved dislocation, he already has chronically affected knee ligaments. As a result of being overweight, he sometimes rubs one of his legs or trips on his claws, so it would be advantageous for him to have a garden or walk in a grassy area. He is unneutered, has one undescended testicle, his teeth are in terrible condition, we are now trying to stabilize his liver tests, which are elevated, so that he can subsidize his teeth cleaning. He takes Librela on his joints. All necessary needs, diet and vet. We pay for Miky's care in Prague. We are looking for a new home for Miky, owners who would have no problem commuting with him to the Ivet clinic for occasional check-ups. He will be adopted after a previous visit to temporary care in agreement with his temporary aunt, after a pre-inspection at the new home, signing of the adoption contract and payment of the adoption fee. It is located in Prague. For information about you and the conditions you would like to offer Miky, please email: or call 602 259 705
Created: 11 March
Dočasky DeDe z.s.
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