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  • Slovakia
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98.99% Pure Nembutal (sodium pentobarbital) for sale Pills, liquid and powder 161 €

98.99% Pure Nembutal (sodium pentobarbital) for sale Pills, liquid and powder

Created: Today
98.99% Pure Nembutal (Pentobarbital Sodium) For Sale Pills, Liquid and Powder\nNEMBUTAL (Pentobarbital) slows down your brain and nervous system. Pentobarbital is used short-term to treat insomnia. Pentobarbital is also used as an emergency treatment for seizures and to help you sleep during surgery. Pentobarbital may also be used for other purposes not listed in this advertisement. We can supply Nembutal in the form of pills, liquid and powder.
Created: Today
Dr Alex P....
Was online today 03:31
Dr Alex P....
Was online today 03:31
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