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We invite you to KATOWICE 2024 - the 20th International Mining and Metallurgy Fair on 04.09-06.09.2024.

We invite you to KATOWICE 2024 - the 20th International Mining and Metallurgy Fair on 04.09-06.09.2024.

Created: 2 September
We invite you to KATOWICE 2024 - the 20th International Trade Fair for Mining, Energy and Metallurgy on 04.09-06.09.2024. This is the leading trade fair for heavy industry in Europe!\n·         More than 17,000 specialists from 13 countries!\n·         Silesia is the center of heavy industry in Poland.\n·         The fair is supported by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy of Poland.\n·         The Katowice Trade Fair is a member of UFI - the International Union of the Exhibition Industry.\n\nThe manufacturing company CARBOMECH LTD from Poland is looking for a partner, possibly an engineering company with experience in working with coal enterprises, to sell mining equipment for underground coal mines and enterprises for uranium mining.\nOfficial cooperation under a dealership agreement.\nCARBOMECH LTD was founded in 1993\n\nOur website:\n\nContact us, we speak Russian.\nTel./WhatsApp/Telegram: +(48)733-275-085\nCARBOMECH LTD\nNIP 648-10-11-628\nREGON 272082837\nMarketing Department\nSvyatoslav Makeyev\nPersonal email:\\nCorporate email:\
Created: 2 September
Святослав Макеев Тел.48-733-275-085
Was online 8 september 15:17
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Святослав Макеев Тел.48-733-275-085
Was online 8 september 15:17
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